M.U.D.’s next Board of Directors meeting is Wed., March 5. Committee meetings will begin at 1:00 p.m., and the regular meeting will begin at 2:00 p.m. The livestream link will be posted here when available.
Gas leaks, odor of gas, damaged lines, carbon monoxide symptoms and water main breaks are all considered emergencies.
If you smell gas, do not attempt to locate the leak. Instead, leave the house or building right away. Do not use any electrical switches, appliances, lights, telephones, or mobile devices, as an electrical charge could create a spark. When you are in a safe place, call M.U.D.'s emergency hotline at 402.554.7777 or 9-1-1.
If someone is showing symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning, call 9-1-1 immediately. Symptoms are like the flu.
If you have a water-related emergency, call 402.554.7777. Our personnel are ready to assist you 24/7. When in doubt, call us immediately.
Learn MoreLas fugas de gas, el olor a gas, las tuberías de gas dañadas, los síntomas de monóxido de carbono y roturas en las tuberías principales de agua son consideradas emergencias.
Si huele a gas, NO trate de localizar la fuga/escape. Al contrario, abandone la casa o el edificio inmediatamente. No utilice los interruptores eléctricos, electrodomésticos, luces, teléfonos o equipos móviles, ya que una carga eléctrica podría provocar una chispa. Una vez que se encuentre en un lugar seguro, entonces llame a la línea directa de emergencia de M.U.D. al 402.554.7777 o al 9-1-1.
Si alguien tiene síntomas de envenenamiento causados por el monóxido de carbono, llame al 9-1-1 inmediatamente. Los síntomas son como los de la gripe/catarro.
Si tiene una emergencia relacionada con el agua, llame al 402.554.7777. Nuestro personal está listo para ayudarle, 24/7. Cuando dude o crea que hay una emergencia, llámenos de inmediato.
Aprende MásPrior to 1913, Omaha residents received their water and gas services from private water and gas companies. Fed up with high costs, constant ownership changes and poor service, they voted to take control and ownership of their utilities. And on March 3, 1921, the Nebraska Legislature formed the Metropolitan Utilities District. From that day, we vowed to provide our community with safe, reliable and cost-effective services.
Today, we continue to provide quality services at rates lower than area investor-owned utilities and among the lowest in the Midwest. We proudly serve natural gas to more than 241,000 customers, making us the fifth largest public gas utility in the U.S.
We also provide safe drinking water to more than 227,000 customers, meaning we provide life-essential services to more than 600,000 people in the region.
We own and operate three water production facilities and an extensive water distribution system that is capable of supplying over 300 million gallons of water per day to our customers. The tap water that we deliver is tested more than 1,000 times per day by our teams of chemists and biologists to ensure it meets every federal and state standard outlined by the EPA. We also maintain more than 29,000 hydrants for fire protection.
The natural gas that we provide is an economical, safe and environmentally-friendly energy option. Like many gas companies, we purchase natural gas during the summer and store it. This ensures that our customer’s homes stay warm even on the coldest day.
We also take natural gas safety very seriously. Our experienced personnel routinely inspect and maintain natural gas mains, and crews are available to respond to emergencies 24/7.
Since our employees are also customers, they understand the importance of the promise we made to this community over a century ago. They take pride in their work and want everyone they meet to feel valued and respected. Because they know our success is tied to being a great community partner.
Figures current as of December 31, 2023
To provide safe, reliable, and cost-effective natural gas and water services to our community.
To maintain our commitment to serve our community, while striving to become one of the nation’s top utilities.
Safety, Reliability, Fiscal Responsibility and Organizational Excellence.
We remain committed to delivering natural gas cleanly and more efficiently, and to utilizing our infrastructure to distribute the energy sources of the future.
We operate and maintain more than 3,000 miles of distribution mains to deliver an average of 90 million gallons of water per day to the community.
We are a public utility and are proud to be customer-owned. The District is governed by a board of seven directors, elected by our customer-owners.
Our service technicians will inspect and repair gas appliances (gas water heaters, ranges, dryers, furnaces, outdoor gas lights and space heating equipment) on a Time and Material (T&M) basis. Select services, such as cleaning pilots and adjusting burners on gas appliances are also on a T&M basis.
We do not sell parts for appliances.
Note: Warranty on labor is limited to 30 days from the date of the original call. Warranty on parts is limited to that provided by the manufacturer.
For details on gas appliance services and price quotes, call 402.554.6666.
The board generally meets the first Wednesday of the month in the headquarters at 7350 World Communications Drive. Committee and regular board meetings are open to the public. Check the website for meeting information and agendas.
The customer of record is responsible for all usage at the premises. Any consumption found between parties will be billed to the owner of record of the property. Use will be billed monthly at rates established by the Board of Directors.
Our service agreement with you states that you shall safeguard and provide adequate protection for District property located on your premises.