Winter Water Use Impacts Sewer Fees
Did you know the amount of water you use during the December through March billing period is used to help calculate your sewer fees, which Metropolitan Utilities District bills on behalf of the city? Limiting outdoor water use until mid-April will save you on sewer fees.
Each municipality sets its sewer use rates. Municipalities include: Bellevue, Bennington, Gretna, La Vista, Omaha (including the unincorporated portion of Douglas County), Ralston and Sarpy County.
M.U.D. is the billing agent that invoices and collects sewer use fees and provides them back to the municipalities. The combined bill eliminates duplication, resulting in a cost savings to both sewer users and M.U.D. ratepayers. Residential sewer rates are the total of two charges:
The combined bill eliminates duplication, resulting in a cost savings to both sewer users and M.U.D. ratepayers. Residential sewer rates are the total of two charges:
- Customer Charge (fixed monthly fee)
- Flow Charge (varies with usage)
The monthly sewer use fee during the winter season is based on the actual amount of water used. The winter season will encompass four billing cycles, starting with the M.U.D. December billing schedule and ending with the March billing schedule. The four winter billing cycles are averaged to determine a base monthly usage level to be used during the non-winter period when calculating your sewer fees. In some instances, the base monthly usage level may be reviewed and adjusted as appropriate.
During the non-winter period, from April’s billing schedule through November’s billing schedule, the sewer use fee is calculated by using either 1) the actual water use during that specific billing cycle, or 2) the base monthly usage level (the average of the four winter billing cycles), WHICHEVER IS LESS. Remember, your water use in the winter can impact your bills throughout the year.