June News & Updates

New Water Quality Report Available. Each year, we are required to issue a Water Quality Report, which provides accurate, comprehensive information about our water supply. Visit bit.ly/CCRMUD or scan the QR code to see the report. Requests for a hard copy of the report may be made by emailing [email protected] or calling 402.554.6666. English and Spanish versions are available.
El nuevo Informe de Calidad del Agua ya está Disponible. Cada año, tenemos que emitir un Informe de Calidad del Agua con información precisa y completa sobre el agua que suministramos. Visite bit.ly/CCRMUD o escanee el código QR para ver o leer el informe. Usted también puede solicitar una copia impresa de este informe enviando un correo electrónico a [email protected] o llamando al 402.554.6666. Disponemos de copias en inglés y español.
Federal Grant Awarded. M.U.D. received a federal grant that will provide added funding for its gas infrastructure replacement program. The program, started in 2008, modernizes low-pressure cast iron gas mains and services. Read the press release here.

Help Reduce System Load With Odd/Even Watering. To even out early morning spikes in demand, we are requesting all customers use an odd/even watering schedule this spring and summer — odd addresses should water on Monday, Wednesday and Friday; even addresses should water Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday or Sunday. This will help ensure our system operates more efficiently, and making this simple change can save you money and improve affordability for all customer-owners. For more tips to save on your water bill, click here.