June 2021 Bill Insert: Utility Bill Assistance Available
Customers financially impacted by COVID-19 may be eligible for assistance to pay their utility bills. Here are a few ways to get help: • Visit mudomaha.com/homefund for details on federal, state and local programs available, including the District’s Home Fund. • Call Customer Service at 402.554.6666 or 1.800.732.5864 to discuss payment arrangements and assistance programs. • Call Dollar Energy Fund at 1.888.650.9132 to hear a list of local partner agencies that offer utility assistance.
As we progress through changes related to COVID-19, some customer facilities may have been closed or had reduction in staff or use. The water M.U.D. provides in the water mains in the street is fresh and constantly moving. However, when a building is shut down, vacant or has a reduction in usage, the fresh water in the mains is not entering the building. This can cause the water to stagnate and may cause taste and odor problems. The best thing to do is to flush the plumbing to bring in fresh water. For more guidance and a list of frequently asked questions, visit mudomaha.com/flushingsteps.
Water in the early morning, 4 to 10 a.m., to allow grass blades to dry, making them less susceptible to diseases. Don’t water if it’s windy. • Measure the amount of water applied to your lawn in a 15-minute period using a tuna can. Adjust the run time on your sprinkler system to deliver the required amount. Contact a lawn care professional if you need help. • Make sure your sprinkler heads are in working order and directed on your lawn and not on sidewalks, driveways and streets. Use sprinklers that emit large droplets, again to reduce losses due to evaporation. • Consider programming your sprinkler system to water on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday to relieve system demands on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. • Check hose connections for leaks and repair them quickly. A single hose left on uses nearly 300 gallons of water an hour! • Use a broom to clean patios, sidewalks and driveways.
A remote rain sensor shutoff device is a good way to conserve water. We offer a $50 rebate* on any rain shut-off device and/or a WiFi sprinkler predictive controller installed in 2021 by an irrigation company. For details, visit mudomaha.com/rebates. * Rebate will be credited to your M.U.D. account. Must be a M.U.D. water customer.
Beware of scams via emails, texts, phone calls and social media posts asking for personal information or immediate payment, and never click on suspicious links or attachments. Remember: • You have the right to tell the person calling that you would like to call M.U.D. back to verify the information being presented. • M.U.D. will not demand a particular form of payment. For a list of options, visit the Ways to Pay page at mudomaha.com. All M.U.D. employees carry photo ID cards. If someone comes to your door claiming to be with the gas or water company: • Ask to see their M.U.D. photo ID. • If you have questions or want to confirm the purpose of a worker at your door, call Customer Service at 402.554.6666 or 1.800.732.5864. • If the person is unable to produce valid ID or if you feel threatened, do not let the person in and call the police. • Remember, M.U.D. does not collect money from customers at their homes or businesses.
How to recognize a natural gas leak: SMELL: Recognize the odor which is similar to rotten eggs or sulfur. SIGHT: See a white cloud, mist, fog, bubbles in standing water or blowing dust. See dead vegetation spots in the grass. SOUND: Hear an unusual noise like roaring, hissing or whistling.
What to do if you suspect a gas leak: 1. If you suspect a damaged gas line or a possible gas leak, move to a safe environment away from the building. 2. Do not use your landline phone or cell phone in your home. Do not use any light switches, matches, candles, lighters, flashlights, motors or appliances. 3. From a phone not located in the building, call M.U.D. at 402.554.7777 or 911 and provide your location. Let us know if construction or digging activities are going on in the area. 4. Do not assume someone else will report the condition. There is no charge to check gas leaks. If you have a decreased sense of smell, you may want to buy a natural gas sensor. Most models are available for less than $60. They are easy to install and they monitor carbon monoxide, methane (natural gas) and propane. The unit should have the UL (Underwriters Laboratory) seal of approval.
When excavating near a buried service line, ensure the line is located in advance and excavate by hand. You are required to contact 811 at least two business days (but not more than 10 business days) before excavating or disturbing the soil, even in your own backyard! The underground utilities in your excavation area will be located and marked. Submit requests online at ne1call.com or call 811 or 1.800.331.5666.
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