MyAccount and the Contractor Portal will be unavailable Sunday, March 30, from approximately 6 a.m. to noon, for monthly maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Gas leaks, odor of gas, damaged lines, carbon monoxide symptoms and water main breaks are all considered emergencies.
If you smell gas, do not attempt to locate the leak. Instead, leave the house or building right away. Do not use any electrical switches, appliances, lights, telephones, or mobile devices, as an electrical charge could create a spark. When you are in a safe place, call M.U.D.'s emergency hotline at 402.554.7777 or 9-1-1.
If someone is showing symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning, call 9-1-1 immediately. Symptoms are like the flu.
If you have a water-related emergency, call 402.554.7777. Our personnel are ready to assist you 24/7. When in doubt, call us immediately.
Learn MoreLas fugas de gas, el olor a gas, las tuberías de gas dañadas, los síntomas de monóxido de carbono y roturas en las tuberías principales de agua son consideradas emergencias.
Si huele a gas, NO trate de localizar la fuga/escape. Al contrario, abandone la casa o el edificio inmediatamente. No utilice los interruptores eléctricos, electrodomésticos, luces, teléfonos o equipos móviles, ya que una carga eléctrica podría provocar una chispa. Una vez que se encuentre en un lugar seguro, entonces llame a la línea directa de emergencia de M.U.D. al 402.554.7777 o al 9-1-1.
Si alguien tiene síntomas de envenenamiento causados por el monóxido de carbono, llame al 9-1-1 inmediatamente. Los síntomas son como los de la gripe/catarro.
Si tiene una emergencia relacionada con el agua, llame al 402.554.7777. Nuestro personal está listo para ayudarle, 24/7. Cuando dude o crea que hay una emergencia, llámenos de inmediato.
Aprende MásThis is a time of rapid change for the utility industry, and the District is staying abreast of these changes as technology, efficiency and industry best practices evolve. One of the biggest changes in the industry is the growing awareness of the environmental impact of utility operations.
M.U.D.’s mission is to enhance quality of life by delivering safe, reliable and cost-effective natural gas and water, essential for today and future generations.
Know that we are aware of the irony of our position: in our desire to help our customers conserve natural resources, we may end up selling less water and natural gas. The widespread changes in the industry demand this shift, and we are committed to finding ways to meet our commitments both to fiscal heath and to environmental responsibility. We also know that in pursuit of greater sustainability, we will never sacrifice quality, safety or reliability for our customer-owners.
We know from the calls and comments we receive that this issue is of high importance to our customer-owners. We share the value of making the Omaha metro area an even better place to live, work and play, and we are pleased to communicate the work we are doing in this area. At the same time, we know there is much more we can do. In coming years, we hope to report on even more exciting progress we can make as a utility that values sustainability.
M.U.D. is partnering with the City of Omaha to develop the Omaha Climate Action and Resilience Plan. The Plan will be a strategic roadmap that empowers our community to build climate resilience and strive for a more sustainable future. The Plan will provide comprehensive guidance on innovative solutions that will improve quality of life, build prosperity, enhance community resilience, and further climate justice.
The Plan will focus on strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, prepare for and adapt to climate impacts, and remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through sequestration. The Plan will provide equitable actions for the City of Omaha, and the communities within, to implement over the next 30 years. M.U.D. will be part of the plan development process. For more information on the Omaha Climate Action and Resilience Plan, please visit
Metropolitan Utilities District is applying for a federal Environmental Protection Agency Brownfields Cleanup Grant to assist in funding the cleanup and future redevelopment of the western part of the Walnut Hill property located at 40th and Hamilton Streets in Omaha, Nebraska. These federal funds would offset the cost to M.U.D.’s ratepayers. The grant would be up to $4 million to:
Once cleaned up, the land will be re-graded and prepared for sale. M.U.D. is working with a local consulting company to complete the environmental assessment and grant application before the mid-November deadline. Grant awards will be announced in spring 2025 and the funding period will begin on July 1, if successful.
A community meeting was held Tuesday, October 22, 2024, from 6-7 p.m., at the Omaha Public Schools TAC Building-Board Room, 3215 Cuming St. There was a virtual option with Webex. Links to the Webex recording and the PowerPoint presentation are posted below:
Meeting Recording (On YouTube)
Presentation Slide Deck (Adobe PDF)
Feedback Form Closed
Public comments were accepted through October 31, 2024, and are now closed.
Since M.U.D.’s mission is to enhance quality of life by delivering safe, reliable and cost-effective natural gas and water, essential for today and future generations, we want to make sure these natural resources are managed well and protected.
Several years ago we published our first ever Sustainability Report. We are taking many steps to make our operations more sustainable, and in this report you will hear our stories.
This report represents a cohesive summary of the many efforts M.U.D. is taking across our organization to reduce our environmental footprint. Our goal is to present these efforts in one document so that our customer-owners, employees, directors and other stakeholders can understand our commitment to environmental sustainability.
Compressed Natural Gas is sold in GGEs or gasoline gallon equivalents. A GGE has the same energy content (124,800 BTUs) as a gallon of gasoline. CNG is generally 15-40 percent less than gasoline or diesel. The District’s CNG rates are set on a monthly basis and are posted under Compressed Natural Gas. Rates for private fueling with compression done by the customer are generally $.50 cents less per GGE. These rates include all State and Federal road taxes.
There are currently two public stations in Omaha, 2615 S. 64th Street and 13233 Cornhusker Road. There are over 1,600 CNG stations nationwide.
Typical “fast-fill” fuel stations, the kind used at public and large private stations, take approximately the same time as filling a gasoline vehicle, 3-5 minutes. Many of the fuel stations owned by individuals and smaller private fleets operate on a “time-fill” basis that varies according to the owner’s needs but can take several hours to fill a vehicle or fleet of vehicles- usually overnight. A home-fueling unit typically fuels at a rate of just under ½ gallon per hour which works well for overnight fueling.
There are over 1,600 CNG fueling stations nationwide and more than half are available for public use. A complete list and map is available at: U.S. Department of Energy. Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming all have public stations. There are also well developed networks of public CNG stations in Texas, Oklahoma, Utah, and California as well as on the East Coast.
While after market conversions are being done by a variety of companies in some states and other countries, the District strongly recommends using only the EPA certified conversions listed on the NGVAmerica list. This is the best way to insure that the components and installation meet all safety standards. These conversions tend to be more expensive than non-EPA certified conversions (between $12,000 and $17,000).
Exhaust emissions from a typical NGV are much lower than those from gasoline-powered vehicles. Dedicated NGVs produce little or no evaporative emissions during fueling and use. In gasoline vehicles, evaporative and fueling emissions account for at least 50 percent of a vehicle’s total hydrocarbon emissions.
Typical dedicated NGVs can reduce exhaust emissions of:
Natural gas vehicles also produce far less urban emissions than diesel vehicles. For example, even when the stringent 2007 EPA heavy-duty engine emission standards become applicable, NGVs will be producing only one-sixth the NOx of comparable diesel engines.
The Chevy Express van with the extra tank option has a range of up to 350 miles. Bi-fuel CNG vehicles that can switch to gasoline have a virtually unlimited range because of their ability to switch to gasoline when CNG is unavailable. CNG tanks are expensive and take up vehicle space, so increased range does come with a trade-off.
Because a GGE of natural gas has the same energy content as a gallon of gasoline CNG cars get basically the same miles per GGE as gasoline-powered cars get per gallon.
There are over 350 CNG vehicles in the Omaha area including the District. Worldwide there are over 15 million natural gas vehicles but only about 150,000 in the United States.
Light-duty vehicles cost $5,000 to $10,000 more than their gasoline-powered counterparts. Those “incremental” costs can be offset by State and Federal incentives and by the fuel savings.
Other light and medium-duty vehicle conversions can cost $10,000 to $15,000. Several states also offer additional incentives such as rebates or tax credits. Check with your local area to see what incentives are available. The District does offer CNG vehicle rebates and will consider project incentives for other fleets considering CNG vehicles on a case by case basis.
Electric emissions were obtained from the EIA eGRID 2006 report. The emission data for natural gas was obtained from the EPA Clean Energy Calculations and References as 117 lbs. CO2/decatherm.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a colorless, odorless, non-combustible greenhouse-gas that contributes to global warming. It is formed by complete combustion of fossil fuels (coal, charcoal, natural gas, petroleum) and carbon containing products (such as wood). It also is released through respiration by living organisms and by the gradual oxidation of organic matter in soil.
Dedicated vehicles are designed to run strictly on natural gas. Dedicated Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) vehicles are built from the manufacturer to run only on natural gas while dedicated conversion vehicles have the gasoline or diesel fuel system removed or de-activated. Bi-fuel vehicles can run on either natural gas or gasoline. Dedicated vehicles generally run slightly more efficiently when running on natural gas than do bi-fuel vehicles because the engines are adjusted to run solely on natural gas.
Dedicated vehicles are limited by the range of the particular vehicle and work well for local fleets that return to a fueling site regularly or commuter vehicles that do not require an extended range. Bi-fuel vehicles work well for vehicles that occasionally need to travel beyond the range of fueling stations.
Conversion costs for dedicated or bi-fuel vehicles are typically about the same. However, bi-fuel vehicles did not qualify for the previously available Federal tax credits. There is pending legislation before Congress that could reinstate those incentives and possibly extend them to bi-fuel vehicles as well. Details of the currently available vehicle incentives are at: