MyAccount and the Contractor Portal will be unavailable Sunday, January 12, from approximately 6 a.m. to noon, for monthly maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Gas leaks, odor of gas, damaged lines, carbon monoxide symptoms and water main breaks are all considered emergencies.
If you smell gas, do not attempt to locate the leak. Instead, leave the house or building right away. Do not use any electrical switches, appliances, lights, telephones, or mobile devices, as an electrical charge could create a spark. When you are in a safe place, call M.U.D.'s emergency hotline at 402.554.7777 or 9-1-1.
If someone is showing symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning, call 9-1-1 immediately. Symptoms are like the flu.
If you have a water-related emergency, call 402.554.7777. Our personnel are ready to assist you 24/7. When in doubt, call us immediately.
Learn MoreLas fugas de gas, el olor a gas, las tuberías de gas dañadas, los síntomas de monóxido de carbono y roturas en las tuberías principales de agua son consideradas emergencias.
Si huele a gas, NO trate de localizar la fuga/escape. Al contrario, abandone la casa o el edificio inmediatamente. No utilice los interruptores eléctricos, electrodomésticos, luces, teléfonos o equipos móviles, ya que una carga eléctrica podría provocar una chispa. Una vez que se encuentre en un lugar seguro, entonces llame a la línea directa de emergencia de M.U.D. al 402.554.7777 o al 9-1-1.
Si alguien tiene síntomas de envenenamiento causados por el monóxido de carbono, llame al 9-1-1 inmediatamente. Los síntomas son como los de la gripe/catarro.
Si tiene una emergencia relacionada con el agua, llame al 402.554.7777. Nuestro personal está listo para ayudarle, 24/7. Cuando dude o crea que hay una emergencia, llámenos de inmediato.
Aprende MásYou can manage your water and natural gas accounts and pay your bill online. Submit a request to start, stop or transfer service online and more.
My Account Online: Access your account information and make payments with a Visa or Mastercard debit or credit card 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Pay By Phone: Call us at 402.554.6666 or toll-free at 1.800.732.5864 and use our automated menu to make a bill payment or access account information.
To learn more about what is your responsibility as a customer and what is M.U.D.’s responsibility, please read our brochure.
As colder weather approaches in the coming months, Metropolitan Utilities District encourages customers to conserve energy to prepare for higher heating bills.
We help take the confusion our of understanding your your bill works.
Metropolitan Utilities District (M.U.D.) is proud to present the 2023 Water Quality Report, which provides an overview of your drinking water from the source to the tap. Your water continues to meet or exceed all state and federal standards for drinking water.
More efficient. More savings. More money in your pocket. Metropolitan Utilities District gives you more reasons to choose natural gas appliances and equipment — rebates. Available to residential customers and multi-family housing developers, these rebates are also easy to redeem.
Disconnection of service is a last resort when a customer’s bill has gone unpaid. However, if your bill remains unpaid and no payment arrangements are made, we may disconnect your service during the heating season.
If you have difficulty paying your bill, call us at 402.504.7002 right away so we can work with you and avoid service interruption. Office hours are 7:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Call 402.554.6666, or if outside the calling area, 1.800.732.5864. We need at least two working days’ notice and access to the meter(s) to discontinue service.
How do I establish service if I move to a different address? Call 402.554.6666 or outside the calling area at 800.732.5864 to arrange for service to be established at a new address or disconnected at an old address.
We need at least two working days’ notice and access to the meter(s) to disconnect service. There is a charge to connect to a different address.
If a meter is defective, it will be replaced and the amount of service will be estimated. In the event of a leak or damage to the meters and pipes on the customer’s premises, service may be discontinued until repairs are made. Call Customer Service, 402.554.6666, to schedule a service call.
Yes. District personnel must have access to meters at all hours for any reasonable purpose. The District reserves the right to discontinue service at any time in the event of fraud, illegal or unsafe use of services or violation of District rules.
Our service agreement with you states that you shall safeguard and provide adequate protection for District property located on your premises.
The customer of record is responsible for all usage at the premises. Any consumption found between parties will be billed to the owner of record of the property. Use will be billed monthly at rates established by the Board of Directors.
We read your meter eight times a year and will give you the dates. Call 402.554.6666 or e-mail us to request a schedule.
If you have an inside meter(s) and no one is home during the day, you may purchase an encoder, receiver, transmitter (ERT) device which allows us to read your meter via radio signals or we can set up special arrangements to read the meter(s). Call 402.554.6666 or e-mail us.
You also may call in your monthly meter readings to our 24-hour voice Meter Reading Hotline, 402.504.7008.
Frequent readings of the inside meter(s) by our employees will ensure you receive an accurate bill. If we are unable to obtain regular readings, we will need access to your inside meter at least once a year.
Flowers or shrubs that are planted near outside meters or by the glass block should be low to the ground and should not impede access to the front of the meter in order for us to read the meters or do repair work on them. When we need to change a meter or a gas regulator, we need to be able to kneel in front of the meter set. If the shrub is blocking the meter set front, we may need to remove it to do our work. More information can be found in our Gas Rules under “Related Resources”.
Yes. However, we will make a reasonable effort to notify you of temporary service interruptions to make repairs to the system. In the event of an emergency, such as a main break or where considerable damage may be caused, your service may be interrupted without notification.
Your home may have an encoder, receiver, transmitter (ERT) device which allows us to read your meter via radio signals and save money on meter reading costs. For more information on ERTs, call 402.554.6666 or e-mail us.