Budget Payment Plan

Though seasonal temperatures vary, your gas and/or water bill remains the same every month with the Budget Payment Plan. The budget payment is based on your average monthly costs from the last 12 months. This figure is adjusted for average temperatures to project normal use and any projected rate change. At the end of the budget year, a credit or debit balance is automatically factored into the next 12-month cycle.

How to Enroll

You may begin the Budget Payment Plan any month, provided you have an account balance of zero. You may cancel the plan any time.

If you have any questions or would like to sign up, please submit a request via Contact Us or call Customer Service at 402.554.6666.

Budget Plan Recalculation and Changes

We review the last 12 months of history, project out for weather (degree days and precipitation) and any known or projected rate increases for gas, water and sewer. We are a billing agent for several cities and take into account their sewer rates, including rate increases.

At the end of the budget year, a credit or debit balance is factored into the next 12-month cycle. Budget Plan balances are reviewed periodically throughout the year and you will be notified of changes.

Additional payments can be applied to your balance at any time. Please indicate any additional amount to be applied to the balance with the check box on your remittance stub or contact Customer Service.

Budget Payment Plan

  • How do I understand my Budget Payment Plan on my bill?

    Budget Payment Plan is shown on the top right hand section of your bill.

    TOTAL DUE: The Budget Payment Plan amount that was determined when you signed up. This amount is recalculated every year on your budget plan anniversary.

    CURRENT BUDGET VARIANCE:  Actual charges for the month minus the budget payment amount.

    TOTAL BUDGET VARIANCE:  Accumulated variance of all actual charges minus the budget payment amount.

    – If this amount is a credit, or negative amount, it means that the budget payment amounts have exceeded the charges based on actual usage.

    – If this amount is a debit, or positive balance, it means that the charges based on actual usage have exceeded the budget payment amounts.

    – If your debit (positive) balance is more than three times your budget payment amount, please contact us to evaluate if your budget payment amount should be increased. Or consider paying extra towards your budget variance. If you are paying extra to be applied to your budget variance, please indicate this with your payment. 

  • How is my budgeted amount calculated?

    Your  monthly budget payment is the total of the last 12 monthly actual bills, adjusted for normal weather and projected rate changes, plus or minus your total budget variance balance divided by 12.


    • Current Budget Plan payment amount = $125
    • At the end of the budget billing year customer budget payments =  $1,500 ($125 payment each month for 12 months)
    • At the end of the budget bill year customer’s actual charges = $1,700
    • Total Budget Variance = $200 ($1,700 actual charges minus $1,500 payments)
    • New Budget Plan payment amount = $158 ($1,700 last 12 months actual bills + $200 total variance divided by 12 months)
  • Why did my budget payment increase?

    We review the last 12 months of history, project out for weather (degree days and precipitation) and also any known or projected rate increases for gas, water and sewer. We are a billing agent for several different cities and take into account their sewer rates for the budget plan.

  • Why do you estimate bills?

    We estimate bills if we are unable to obtain an actual reading.