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Customers Urged to Continue Voluntary Outdoor Water Restrictions

M.U.D. Customer-Owners:

We are all grappling with the extreme heat in the area, and as a result, our water system experienced peak demand Monday morning. As we continue to operate at reduced capacity because of repairs needed at our Florence Water Production Facility, it is crucial customers continue to comply with voluntary restrictions on outdoor water use to avoid mandatory restrictions.

We are grateful for all our customers who have adjusted to accommodate our initial request. We understand this may be burdensome, and we appreciate your understanding and cooperation in restricting the following activities until further notice:

  • Irrigating/sprinkling lawns (unless for new sod)
  • Filling swimming pools
  • Hosing down driveways
  • Running decorative fountains


If needing to water, please limit to twice per week while avoiding Mondays and follow the previously established odd/even watering schedule, shown below.

watering schedule

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Thank you for your assistance.