To download a natural gas safety brochure, please click here.
Electrical power outages and natural gas supplies/appliances
Loss of electrical power to your home does not impact the gas supply to your home or appliances (Note: Gas stoves that are spark ignition will not work without power). Once the power is restored to your home, the power to your appliances may need to be cycled to reset them.
Please contact your HVAC service provider to assist you if your furnace or water heater do not start back up once power is restored.
Before you dig in your yard, call Nebraska 811 or 800.331.5666
Call at least two working days in advance, and ask for a “locate.” Utility representatives will locate and mark all underground (gas, water, electric, phone, cable) lines. There is no charge for the service.
You can send an online request through the Nebraska 811 website at
If you damage any underground facilities during your excavation and smell natural gas, first leave the area and then call 911. Then call M.U.D. at 402.554.7777, followed by 811 to report the damages. If water lines are damaged, call a licensed plumber.
Before digging projects, call Nebraska811 or 800.331.5666
Call at least two working days in advance, and ask for a “locate.” Utility representatives will locate and mark all underground (gas, water, electric, phone, cable) lines. There is no charge for the service. You can also submit your request online.
If gas lines are damaged while digging, leave the immediate area and call 911. Then call M.U.D. at 402.554.7777, followed by 811 to report the damage. If water lines are damaged, call a licensed plumber.
In the event of a disaster, turn off all gas appliances as you would if you were leaving your home — like the stove, oven, gas fireplace, etc. If there is a situation where gas needs to be shut off, M.U.D. will take care of it, and keep customers informed via the news media. An uncontrolled release of natural gas may result in fire, explosion or suffocation.
Decreased sense of smell
If you have a decreased sense of smell, you may want to buy a “natural gas sensor.” Most models are available for less than $60. They are easy to install and they monitor carbon monoxide, methane (natural gas) and propane. The unit should have the UL (Underwriters Laboratory) seal of approval.
Meter snow removal
From: U.S. Department of Transportation
Subject: Abnormal Snow and Ice Build-up on Gas Distribution Systems
- Clear snow and ice from exhaust and combustion air vents for gas appliances to prevent accumulation of carbon monoxide in buildings or operational problems for the combustion equipment.
- Pay attention to snow and ice related situations that may cause operational problems for pressure control and other equipment.
- Monitor the accumulation of moisture in equipment and snow or ice blocking regulator or relief valve vents which could prevent regulators and relief valves from functioning properly.
- Piping on service regulator sets is susceptible to damage that could result in failure if caution is not exercised in cleaning snow from around the equipment. Where possible, use a broom, instead of a shovel to clear snow off regulators, meters, associated piping, tubing, gauges or other system appurtenances.
- Contact the gas company or designated emergency response officials if there is an odor of gas present or if gas appliances are not functioning properly. If there is a gas odor, occupants should leave the residence immediately and contact their gas company or 911.
To conserve energy and reduce heating costs, many of us have turned to wood burning fireplaces and stoves to supplement the heat we receive from our natural gas furnaces.
However, some homes often are too tight to provide adequate air for the safe operation of open-flame heating systems (fireplaces, wood, oil, propane stoves, natural gas furnaces).
After you weatherize your home, you may need to add a combustion air source to prevent backdrafting. Consult with a qualified heating contractor.
What is back drafting?
Fireplaces require lots of air. If there isn’t enough air to satisfy the requirements of a fireplace or wood stove as well as a furnace or water heater all burning at the same time, the fireplace draft can pull harmful combustion products, such as carbon monoxide, from gas appliances back into the room.
The products of combustion must be continuously removed while the fireplace or stove is operating. In fact, any device that removes air from the home can contribute to backdrafting problems, including:
- Kitchen and bathroom exhaust fans
- Electric and gas clothes dryers
- Furnaces
- Water heaters
- To check for back drafting
Start a fire in the fireplace on a cold day and after a few minutes, touch the vent pipe of the furnace, water heater or any space heater. Use caution, the vent may be very hot.
However, if the vent is cold, your fireplace may be creating a dangerous back draft.
Turn down the thermostat and water heater controls. Let the fireplace burn down (if you have glass doors on the fireplace, close them), and call a heating contractor.
Carbon monoxide
For information on carbon monoxide awareness and prevention visit this page.
Gas appliance safety recalls
Visit the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s website at